How To Use Vet Connect

Vet Connect is easy to use.
Follow these simple steps to start assisting Veterans.

  • Create an account and select either “Veteran, Boots on the Ground, Team Member or Team Lead”.
  • When you are assisting a veteran in crisis that is looking for help, launch Vet-Connect, go to the “Connect a Vet” area.
  • In the “Connect a Vet” area fill out all the veteran’s information (name, email, etc…) and submit the form.
  • The veteran’s information will then be sent out to the Vet-Connect Team Members and Team Lead within a 20 mile radius of the veteran’s zipcode that was entered in step 3.
  • The veteran will then be contacted by either a Boots on the Ground or Team Member in his/her area. If the veteran has not been contacted within the first 4 hours of you submitting his information, then a 2nd notification will be sent out to the Team Members and Team Lead again until the veteran has been contacted.
  • Boots on the Ground members can monitor to see if the veteran has been contacted by a Vet-Connect Team Member by logging into the Vet-Connect app and go to the “My Vets” area to check their status. If the status is “Closed”, then the veteran has been contacted by a Vet-Connect Team Member.
    Closed – the veteran has been contacted by a Vet-Connect Team Member.
    “Open” or “Needs Assignment” – the veteran has NOT yet been contacted by a Vet-Connect Team Member.
  • Team Member registered users can also leave notes for each of their assigned veterans.
  • All Vet-Connect members can create and join a Direct Connect group within the Vet-Connect app. This is a team of other vet-connect users within your zipcode area where you can connect and correspond with other group members.
  • All Vet-Connect members can submit “Code Checks”, notifying members within their Direct Connect group if they are feeling Ok, Triggered, or need Help based on their saved triggered dates. When a user submits a Code Check, a notification is sent to all members within the users Direct Connect group asking to respond to the member’s Code Check.